Our desire is to assist you in gaining a solid strategic understanding of the facts in your case so that you can leverage the best outcome for your client.

Let us look at your case with fresh eyes and communicate what we see.







We do a deep dive into your case, from our own unique framework, and Provide STRATEGIC insights.

You may find this weird, but…we actually like getting thrown into the depths of cases we know nothing about. There’s something thrilling and clarifying about diving into an ocean of pleadings, documents, and testimony from a clean slate—having no preconceived notions about what we’ll find.

We can’t wait to discover the hot docs, hidden gems, contradictions, and clever ways the parties might use them to advance their case. We apply everything that stands out to us to our unique framework and provide you with detailed, actionable, quality reports!

Our ability to think from different perspectives allows us to draw out nuances that you want to be aware of.

We consider all sides to the story in drawing our perceptions; however, we prioritize your side in communicating tips and tricks. 

We consider all sides to the story — your point-of-view prioritized.

We’re like your paralegal, mediator, and strategist — all in one.

A good way to understand our approach is to view us as operating from the integration of your favorite aspects of these characters. We find value in, and draw upon, some of the key qualities associated with each of them in our review and assessment of your case.

who is fully familiar and comfortable working with attorneys, understands the process of litigation, and knows all the stops to make when it comes to assessing your case

who is impartial, dedicated, and entrusted to hold your evidence to the light, weigh all sides, and sharpen your awareness of your strengths and weaknesses

who is deliberate, technical, and tactical enough to help you understand the variety of approaches on the table and develop an appropriate game plan

Allowing us to process your case from our useful framework helps to capture ideas and perspectives that leave you with a refreshed, sharpened, well-balanced understanding of the facts in your case.

More specifically, any litigation attorney, trial lawyer, or litigation stakeholder with an investment in the outcome of a matter who desires to thoroughly know the facts of their case and develop strategies to capitalize on them.

Below are some circumstances that might apply to you, piquing your interest in our services:

  1. I want a confidential, independent, third-party perspective on my case;
  2. I am understaffed, or my normal staff is swamped, and I need the additional support to diversify my knowledge of my case;
  3. I am trial counsel just jumping into my case and want an objective lay-of-the-land and pointed strategies to assist my trial preparation;
  4. I am tired of looking at my case and need a fresh perspective to protect myself from potential blind spots or confirmation biases;
  5. Etc.

Regardless of your situation, we LOVE digging into new cases and find all of them fun and interesting in their own way. Every case is different, and that is a large part of why we enjoy what we do.